Wedding & Event Entertainer in Norfolk & Suffolk
Choose from a wide range of packages for your wedding, celebration or corporate event. These are available as a single format or can be mixed together, and structured to suit your requirements. For your events entertainment in Suffolk or Norfolk, get in touch with Steve “The Tricky Twister.

Entertain Your Guests Like Never Before
My magic shows are 30 minutes and 45 minutes in duration and can be situated in small or large areas. My shows are family based comedy magic shows and the material is changed to suit the groups in the audience. My shows are full of colour and surprises with lots of audience participation.
Balloon twisting is a fun and very colourful way of keeping your guests, of all ages, entertained. Balloon twisting can fit into any area and is great as a walkabout entertainment during photo shoots, drink receptions or room change overs. The balloons are bright and visual and can lead to some fun and colourful photos of your event.
Close up magic is great for entertaining any age group, fun visual and close up magic to entertain the children and clever mind reading tricks, coin manipulations and sleight of hand card tricks to amaze the adults. All presented in a relaxed family friendly walkabout manner.
This is a great combination of close up magic and balloon twisting. Switching between the magic and balloons, creates fun entertainment for everyone. This is great for drinks reception, during a meal or if a room needs to be changed around.
If you would like to learn more about the world of magic, then a magic workshop would be a great activity. My workshops are designed to suit the participants skill levels and will teach you simple and amazing magic tricks. These techniques can be used in your everyday life to amaze your friends and work colleagues, as well as developing confidence and sleight of hand skills.
Balloon twisting workshops are a colourful and fun way to create team building, a craft activity or a guest participation event during a celebration. I will teach the basic balloon twisting moves, and tricks of the trade, that will have you team or guests creating balloon sculptures in no time. With these new skills to hand and their imagination running free we will have a confident group of balloon twisters.
Wedding & Event Entertainer in Norfolk & Suffolk
Choose Me For Your Wedding

Fun & Friendly Character

Magical Entertainment

Reliable and Fully Insured

Colourful Balloon Twisting

Fully Insured & DBS Checked

Experienced Performer